Ray's mania {moral insanity}, {Med}
هَوَسُ راي {جُنونٌ تَصَرُّفِيّ}، {طب}
relevante Treffer
to be believe (v.) , {that}
to be think (v.) , {that}
to be hold the view (v.) , {that}
to be of the opinion (v.) , {that}
to confound (v.)
to bewilder (v.)
to perplex (v.)
craze (n.) , [pl. crazes]
hysteria {Med}
هوس {طب}
to be crazy (v.)
psycheclampsia {mania}, {Med}
هَوَس {طب}
to infatuate (v.)
manias (n.) , [sing. a mania]
mania (n.) , [pl. manias] , {psych.}
هوس {علم نفس}
obsession (n.) , [pl. obsessions]
xenomania (n.) , [pl. xenomanias]
madness (n.) , [pl. madnesses]